This should be fixed now in git master.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/09/29 15:37, Atsushi Eno wrote:
>    Hi Karsten,
> Thanks for nice bug analysis. On building System.ServiceModel on
> MonoDevelop, you can just open "Makefile" to treat it as a class lib
> project (valid only in our mcs classes). The .csproj file there was from
> the past era, used by Mainsoft team. It is ambiguous like this time and
> I'd rather remove it unless the Mainsoft guys object.
> We welcome your patch and/or bug report. I'll visit the issue once I
> have finished ongoing work.
> Atsushi Eno
> On 2010/09/26 19:20, KarstenF wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to Mono and new to this list so let's hope my post doesn't contain
>> too many newbie's errors...
>> I've got a large WCF-heavy .NET project. With upcoming mono 2.8 I'd try to
>> give it a shot and make it run on mono. Here's an issue I've found when
>> using contract interfaces with a hierarchy. Consider this:
>> [ServiceContract]
>> interface ServiceInterface : Foo
>> {
>> }
>> [ServiceContract]
>> interface Foo : Bar
>> {
>>       [OperationContract] void Foo();
>> }
>> [ServiceContract]
>> interface Bar {
>>       [OperationContract] void FooBar();
>> }
>> class DummyService : ServiceInterface
>> {
>>       public void FooBar() { }
>>       public void Foo() { }
>>       public static ServiceHost Create() {
>>      return new ServiceHost(typeof(DummyService)); // fine in MS, fails in 
>> Mono
>> with "A contract cannot have two operations that have the identical names
>> and different set of parameters"
>>       }
>> }
>> What happens is this:
>> 1.
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescriptionGenerator.GetAllInterfaceTypes(ServiceInterface)
>> returns 4 interfaces: bar is yielded twice to some recursion logic glitch.
>> 2.
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescriptionGenerator.GetServiceContractAttribute
>> returns 3 service contracts: ServiceInterface, Foo and Bar. This is due to
>> Foo and Bar needing the [ServiceContract] attribute:  According to Microsoft
>> interfaces without that attribute are not allowed to have
>> [OperationContract] methods.
>> Ultimately both 1. and 2. result in method FooBar beeing added multiple time
>> to
>> System.ServiceModel.Description.ContractDescriptionGenerator.GetOrCreateOperation()
>> This then throws an "cannot have two operations that have the identical
>> names and different set of parameters".
>> This is obviously wrong as the methods have the very same set of parameters.
>> imho neither 1 nor 2 need fixes. It's rather GetOrCreateOperation which
>> should check if the existing method in the contract has the same signature
>> and if so then just ignore it. After all it's perfectly valid to have a
>> method declared at different points in an interface hierarchy as long as the
>> signature remains the same.
>> I tried to create a patch myself but I'm having trouble to build
>> System.ServiceModel.csproj of the mono-2-8 branch using monodevelop (or
>> xbuild from mono-2-8p5 on windows): there are quite a files in the project
>> that are not there (i think obsolete and moved to old code but I'm not sure)
>> and I get lots of compiler errors. Any ideas what I do wrong?
>> Shall I post a bug (Component: WCF?)
>> Thank you for making mono such a great thing!
>>    Karsten
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