Your code lacks relevant document and schema files. Also it is not 
really runnable as it involves several external dependencies e.g. it 
retrieves resources from your assembly.
If you post a *runnable* code that has static void Main(), as well as 
the exact doc resources, then I'll try it on our profiler and tell the 
I cannot run the profiler tool which you gave the link. My guess is that 
the profiling tool itself dives into the target code and thus consumes 
more memory than the target code itself consumes, but I cannot confirm that.

Atsushi Eno

On 2010/10/26 12:15, Panop Suvaphrom wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Atsushi Eno []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:34 AM
> To: Panop Suvaphrom
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Need Help on Commons.Xml.Relaxng.dll
> You said you run the examples on the web page you mentioned earlier, right?
> Not exactly the same and my code look something like this ...
>     public static class XmlRncValidation
>      {
>          public static void CheckValidAgainstRncResourcePrintingErrors(
>              string xmlDoc, string rncName)
>          {
>              var xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xmlDoc));
>              try
>              {
>                  CheckValidAgainstRncResource(rncName, xmlReader);
>              }
>              catch (RelaxngException)
>              {
>                  Console.WriteLine("Invalid XML:\n" + xmlDoc);
>                  throw;
>              }
>              catch (Exception ex)
>              {
>                  Console.WriteLine("Invalid :\n" + ex.Message);
>                  throw;
>              }
>              finally
>              {
>                  xmlReader.Close();
>              }
>          }
>          public static void CheckValidAgainstRncResource(string rncName, 
> XmlReader xmlReader)
>          {
>              var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
>              var rncStream = a.GetManifestResourceStream(rncName);
>              var sr = new StreamReader(rncStream);
>              RelaxngValidatingReader vr = null;
>              try
>              {
>                  RelaxngPattern p;
>                  using (sr)
>                  {
>                      p = RncParser.ParseRnc(sr);
>                  }
>                   vr = new RelaxngValidatingReader(xmlReader, p);
>                  while (!vr.EOF)
>                  {
>                      vr.Read();
>                  }
>                  if (rncStream == null)
>                  {
>                      throw new ArgumentException("Resource not in assembly", 
> rncName);
>                  }
>              }
>              finally
>              {
>                  rncStream.Close();
>                  sr.Close();
>                  vr.Close();
>               }
>          }
> Which code did you run? How did you confirm profiling numbers? How much was 
> the memory consumption? There should be exact information here and there.
> I saw in task manager about 500-600 MB.
> Commons.Xml.Relaxng.Derivative objects are created a lot, and lots of them 
> are linked to the same objects so they don't consume more memory.
> You won't be able to see that if you're just looking at VS debugger though.
> I see it by using
> However, I don't know much about profiling if you need more info. , please 
> let me know.
> Atsushi Eno
> On 2010/10/26 10:24, Panop Suvaphrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>>           I have used the Commons.Xml.Relaxng.dll in VS2010.
>>           I also think that the memory is going up especially when 
>> validation exception occurred.
>>           When profiling on .net memory profiler, I can see many of 
>> Commons.Xml.Relaxng.Derivative.
>>          Not sure about this, Do I miss something ?
>> Thank You,
>> Panop S.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Atsushi Eno []
>> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 1:57 PM
>> To: Panop Suvaphrom
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Need Help on Commons.Xml.Relaxng.dll
>> Hello,
>> That's an interesting page. I didn't know that and am pretty glad to
>> see it :)
>> Hmm, but that sounds weird. I tried some of the samples on that page with 
>> mono --profile (simpler one), but cannot see such huge memory consumption. 
>> Can you show me the --profile result (or any profiling stuff) ?
>> Commons.Xml.Relaxng is based on James Clark's derivative algorithm[*1] and I 
>> have implemented all the optimization trick such as avoiding exponential 
>> blowup and memoization. There could be of course bugs that prevents them 
>> though.
>> [*1]
>> Atsushi Eno
>> On 2010/10/22 15:38, Panop Suvaphrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>             I am not sure if this is the right place to ask.
>>>            Now I have project to develop and validate RNC file that I
>>> have read from
>>> <>.
>>>            My problem is the memory consumption continues increasing
>>> more and more, and then the machine is quite slow.
>>>            I try to search on the web but no discussion on this issue.
>>> Has anyone known about this and any suggestion would be appreciate.
>>>            And also when I turn the validation off from code, memory
>>> consumption is in normal.
>>> Big ThanksJ,
>>> Panop S.
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