El dj 13 de 01 de 2011 a les 13:21 -0800, en/na passiday va escriure:
> Hello,
> I'm experiencing this weird debugger crashing. Spent now about 4 hours
> trying to work it out, and no luck. I'm really betting on this mailing
> list...
> So, this problem is there since I have installed MonoDevelop on my Ubuntu
> 10.10 64bit. I am trying to debug ASP.NET application - setting breakpoints,
> checking watches, stepping through the code line by line.
> So, I can successfully build my app, and run it in debug mode, it hits the
> first breakpoint, I can check the watches. Bud when I hit the "Step over",
> the app immediately crashes. No info is dumped in Application Output pad.
> Funny thing is that very rarely it doesn't crash and lets me step over
> several lines, until the next breakpoint is hit and then crashes again, when
> trying to step further.
> Very annoying. Basically I am limited to one breakpoint for debugging, or to
> use awkward tools like  dumping the debug variables to file or database.
> Does somebody have any clue, what's going on here? I know I am giving very
> little information on this crash. Maybe you can suggest how I can extract
> more information to supply to the case.

Try running MonoDevelop from a terminal, and see which output you get.
Also make sure you have the latest MonoDevelop and Mono.


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