Dear Team Mono,

I am very excited to contribute in open source community through the
platform of Google Summer of Code 2011. I have visited the web page
of “Mono” at and have seen project ideas for
GSoC 2011. I am interested in two projects. The reason for my interest is
that I have previously worked on .NET related projects both in VB and C# and
want to develop skills of IDE development. I am writing you to let you know
my understanding of the project and required knowledge of technologies. I
would like your feedback on it. My understanding of the requirements is as

“Debugger Visualizer”

1.  Implement a debugger visualizer (Can “Debugger Visualizer” template from
.NET framework be used?)

2.  A DataType assembly will be loaded into the debugger visualizer at
runtime and display the desired properties in a presentable form.

3.  I need to specify which visualizers are to be implemented.

“Translation Resources Editor”

1. Implement an editor for different language resources to help people edit
resources files without modifying XML files directly.

2. The program should load strings from .resx file and provide an interface
to enter the required translations.

Also, it says "Should extend or share code with the Gettext addin." I am not
quite sure about this at the moment. Does it mean that this Resource Editor
is required to be integrated with Gettext? Any help is appreciated in this

Could you please suggest me some pointers to start working with?


Rauf Butt

University of Gloucestershire
Mono-devel-list mailing list

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