Hi,    I'm having problems reading UTF-8 encoded XML files, only in mono on 
Linux and MacOSX (2.10.2 and 2.10.1 respectively). 2.10.2 on Windows 7 64 bit 
runs just fine, as does .NET The issue is that the XmlTextReader can't open an 
XML file with UTF-8 encoding, it comes up with an old error, '?>' is Expected 
as Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Expect. This seems true of any Xml file, as long as 
it is UTF-8 encoded, which I need for multiple language support, as I need 
translations inside the single XMl file. I am using the following code to 
initialise the XmlTextReader:             XmlReaderSettings settings = new 
                              settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto;
                              settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                              settings.IgnoreComments = true;
                              settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
                              XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(IFXstream, 
            XmlDocument IFXmodel = new XmlDocument();
            IFXmodel.Load(reader);Setting the ConformanceLevel.Auto fixed it 
running in Mono on Windows, but still left it broken on Linux and MacOSX. I 
tried converting the files to UTF-32, but then I just get a 
NullReferenceException. Converting to Western ISO won't work as gedit reports 
there are characters in the file that will be lost in the conversion. Any 
thoughts? Cheers, Euan.                                              
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