On Apr 26, 2013, at 9:45 AM, James Bellinger <ja...@illusorystudios.com> wrote:
> Other than that it's really very usable. [On Windows, at least.]

So on the one platform for which it doesn't use it's own theming and instead 
uses the platform theming (it uses WinAPI ~directly), it looks good.


That also happens to be the platform which has it's own native 
System.Windows.Forms implementation, so I'm not entirely sure what Mono is 
buying you there, except possibly a zero-install app environment (no need to 
install .NET).

EVERYWHERE ELSE (Linux, OS X), it looks like ass.

(Please, for the love of $DEITY, do not use WinForms for new projects with any 
notions of being cross-platform, unless WinForms is a "pluggable" front-end 
with other front-ends available. The fact that such a "pluggable front end" 
architecture also makes the app amenable to Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS is 
a happy coincidence. ;-)

 - Jon

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