>  Has Xamarin considered offering professional support plans for the other
> major consumer of Mono, those of us who want to use C# to develop our
> service applications but would prefer to host them on Linux for obvious
> reasons?

Xamarin decided early to focus on our products, and not in professional
consulting services.  Since many of the maintainers of core components of
Mono work for us, they tend to review many of the patches and review them
for inclusion into the tree, and we obviously have a close relation with

The good news is that you can hire consultants from the Mono community that
will be happy to provide you with professional support.

Neal Ferguson from SineNomine has been providing help to developers that
are looking at this kind of thing.   Also, Lanedo can provide this kind of

As a representative of one of the aforementioned companies who is trying to
> run production services on Mono+Linux, I’m concerned that we’re building
> a model that’s dependent on a runtime supported by a company which is
> focused on mobile naturally because that’s where the revenue is.  
> Unfortunately,
> we have no way to change that.  If Xamarin were to offer support for
> enterprises, perhaps we could become a larger part of the overall revenue
> stream and our bugs would get better prioritization.

I rather see the Mono ecosystem grow to have more companies and more
consulting partners than just a single company.

It is easier to scale, it is better for Mono, and it is better for the

And it is also, much healthier for Mono.

So get your checkbooks ready, there are many capable consultants that can
get all of these issues fixed.
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