Xamarin.Android-related issues should either go to monodr...@lists.xamarin.com 
[0] or the Android forums [1].

This particular case appears to be a JIT bug; please file a bug at bugzilla [2] 
with a reproducible test case, ideally with instructions as simple as "run the 
app and watch it crash and burn". (The less interaction, the better.)

Even better, try to run the app on "normal"/desktop mono, not Xamarin.Android. 
That makes it easier for the runtime team to test and fix.

On Jun 15, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Robert Pickering <rob...@strangelights.com> wrote:
> I tried grab the IL code generated, but for some reason it always gets 
> truncated in the log.

`adb logcat` output limits message length. (I don't know the length; I just 
know that my stack traces are regularly truncated...)

If possible, try writing your IL to a file so that you can avoid the logcat 

> The program fails with the following stack trace:
> 06-15 12:22:33.666 F/        ( 5381): * Assertion: should not be reached at 
> /Users/builder/data/lanes/monodroid-mlion-master/f6831347/source/mono/mono/mini/mini-arm.c:3599
> I've tried checking out mini-arm.c:3599, but it currently seems to be a 
> comment. I'm not sure how you find the source for the version of Mono that 
> Android is running on.

You ask me; Xamarin.Android commit f6831347 (in the path) is Xamarin.Android 
4.7.4, which uses Mono 20572465 [3]

For more recent releases, I've been mentioning the corresponding git commit 
hash in the release notes, e.g. Xamarin.Android 4.7.8 [4] is based on Mono 
3.0.12 commit 322d5bd3.

I would suggest upgrading to 4.7.9, which is currently in beta (and is 4.7.8 + 
one change, unrelated to mono). I don't think 4.7.9 will fix your issue, 
though, as the assert appears to still be there, just on line mini-arm.c:3674 
Please file a bug.

 - Jon

[0]: http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/monodroid
[1]: http://forums.xamarin.com/categories/android
[2]: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/
[3]: https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/20572465/mono/mini/mini-arm.c#L3599

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