On 04/08/13 03:07, Alfred Hall wrote:
Hi there.

I'm running the NancyFX web framework in self hosting mode which is
using HttpListener which basically means I deploy an executable and run
it and it will start a webserver on localhost on a TCP port of choice. I
then use nginx to proxy to it.

I first ran my executable on my macbook pro and bombarded it with jmeter
and it coped fine and no issues.
I then deployed on my debian wheezy 64 bit linux box running on top of
KVM using mono 3.2.0 and performed the same jmeter experiment. It locks
up fairly quickly and wont take any new requests. I've tried using both
sgen and boehm but they behave similarly although it seems to lock up
faster when using sgen. I also tried enabling MONO_DISABLE_AIO but it
doesn't make any difference.

Anyone had similar issues?

I tried using self hosted ServiceStack which also uses HttpListener and
had similar issues so I'm finding it unlikely that the bug is in NancyFX

I tried installing mono 2.10.8 to check if this is a regression, but
getting exactly the same results.

Any idea how I can debug this further or what could be going on.

Hey Alfred.

Could you try mono master (3.3) instead of 3.2? I mention this because this pull request [1] has been merged recently, which could help in this situation (and wouldn't make much difference in Mac since the problem in this platform is worked-around by avoiding kqueue [2]).

[1] https://github.com/mono/mono/pull/703

[2] https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/configure.in#L1823

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