On 03.11.2013 08:58, mobin.seven wrote:
I tried to bundle my app with mkbundle command due to this help:


but I don't understand this part of this doc:
""With -c, the further option --nomain will generate the host.c file without
a main method so that you can embed it as a library in an existing native
application in which you are embedding the Mono runtime yourself. Just call
mono_mkbundle_init() before initializing the JIT to make the bundled
assemblies available.""

This option is only useful if you want to link the bundle
with your own native application. Do you want this?

I have bundled an exe with all of its deps in Ubuntu via 'mkbundle' and it
works well there but when I move the bundle to lubuntu it won't work! when
executes nothing happens!
What should I do?

Mkbundle does not bundle native deps, e.g. GTK#, libgdiplus + its
myriad of deps. What kind of application are you trying to bundle?
GUI? Console?


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