On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 7:34 AM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" <kno...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 16/02/14 10:15, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
> > ... which automatically executes exe
> > files using Mono.
> Are you sure that statement applies to all distros? I read somewhere
> some time ago that the only distro so far that implemented the ability
> to run .exe files automatically by calling mono under the hood was
> Debian (and derivatives), by installing some system hook by default when
> mono packages are installed.
> Maybe Michael Franz is not using Debian? Or maybe that hook doesn't work
> for him because he's using a custom mono install (instead of debian
> packages)?
I am using CentOS 6.5 with a locally built Mono installation.

I have read about how you can modify the kernel to understand launching
Mono applications -
http://www.mono-project.com/Guide:Running_Mono_Applications - this was
probably after I ran into this problem.  If this has become a requirement
to use Mono for development it should probably be documented somewhere.

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