Thanks for the link, Marius.

The resolution for this particular case turned out to be trying to invoke
MSBuild.exe from within Cygwin with a Linux-style path to the SLN, not
related to line-endings.    Seems like that sed was fixing problems in an
older version of xbuild and wasn't needed anymore.   The real bug was just
in the same place, but different :-)



On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Marius Ungureanu <> wrote:

> This should solve your cygwin issues. Make the shell ignore CR.
> Bob Summerwill <> wrote:
> I have inherited a shell script with a horrible line of sed in it which OS
> X doesn't like, to deal with line-end issues in xbuild under Cygwin ...
> # Check if we are running under Windows(cygwin) OR *nix, and use xbuild OR
> MSBuild.exe accordingly
> set isRunningCygwin=`uname | grep CYGWIN`
> if ( $isRunningCygwin == '' ) then
>     # This LINUX machine should have Mono and friends (xbuild) installed
>     set builder=`which xbuild`
> else
>     # This WINDOWS machine should have .Net Framework installed
>     set builder=`find /cygdrive/c/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0*
> -name MSBuild.exe`
> endif
> if ($builder == '') then
>     echo "Unable to find 'xbuild' (Linux) OR 'MSBuild.exe' (Windows) to
> build Solution, bailing!"
>     exit -1
> endif
> # Switch directories to get around silly MSBuild vs Cygwin issues
> cd ../LucyServer
> sed -i '/^$/d' ${LucyServerSolution}
> $builder ${LucyServerSolution} /verbosity:quiet /p:Configuration=Release
> cd ../Scripts
> Is this something which is familiar to other xbuild users?
> I  _think_ that the sed is trying to replace Windows-style line-endings in
> the SLN with Linux-style line-endings, though that shouldn't be necessary.
> I think there is a bug report in here, when I can figure out exactly what
> is going wrong.
> On Mac OSX the sed line barfs and fails.    Without the sed line the
> Cygwin build just silently doesn't build anything.
> Cheers,
> Bob
> --
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