On 26/10/2014 16:05, Alexander Köplinger wrote:
> Very good news!
> The windows installer is built by
> https://github.com/mono/release/tree/master/windows-installer as far
> as I know, not the monowiz.win32.nsi in the Mono repo (that looks
> indeed very outdated and should probably be removed).

Ah that's great thanks Alex - just what I have been looking for :) I'll
work out how to integrate this as a next step

> It'd be very helpful if you could also send a PR to the Mono website
> (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/compiling-mono/windows/ just click
> the "Edit on GitHub" link under the page title), it surely misses some
> of the steps you used to get this working.

Will do



> -- Alex
> > Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:14:20 +0100
> > From: ajlen...@dynamicdevices.co.uk
> > To: mmihajlo...@gmail.com; jonc...@gmail.com;
> bryan.cro...@silvercurve.co.uk
> > CC: feo...@appveyor.com; mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
> > Subject: [Mono-dev] [CI] RFC - Mono now building on Cygwin/Windows
> with Appveyor
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've reached a point where we have an Appveyor configuration file which
> > successfully builds Mono under Cygwin on an Appveyor build worker
> > (Windows Server 2012 R2 OS image, I believe).
> >
> > It's taken longer to get to this point than I had expected, doesn't it
> > always, but I hope this will be of some use to others wishing to build,
> > use and maintain Mono under Windows.
> >
> > The logs of the build history are here, with a downloadable Mono 3.10.0
> > zip file "artifact", available from the most recent build, which runs up
> > on my local machine.
> >
> > https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ajlennon/mono-817
> >
> > The configuration file that Appveyor used for this build is in my fork
> > of mono-3.10.0-branch
> >
> >
> >
> https://github.com/DynamicDevices/mono/blob/mono-3.10.0-branch/appveyor.yml
> >
> > All commentary and feedback would be much appreciated.
> >
> > I'd like to understand what would be involved to get this to a point
> > where pull-request into master might be accepted. (NB The config file is
> > entirely independent of other Mono files in the repo).
> >
> > Thanks to Mladen for the Appveyor suggestion and the template
> > configuration script I used as a starting point.
> >
> > Also many thanks to Feodor Fitsner at Appveyor who has been very engaged
> > and supportive in helping me to get this going over the past week or so.
> > (I am very impressed in general with the Appveyor platform and we will
> > undoubtedly be using this for commercial work in future).
> >
> > Some points perhaps worthy of note,
> >
> > - The build configuration script installs needed dependencies, runs
> > autogen/configure/make/make install then archives the output installed
> > files as a zipfile 'artifact'. This can be downloaded or deployed
> > automatically (e.g. FTP)
> >
> > - Build testing has shown up a couple of minor issues with
> > mono-3.10.0-branch and master needing patches to build under Windows
> >
> > - Following on from this I would like and intend to add to the current
> > configuration script to package up the output as an installable MSI
> > similar to that provided on the official site.
> > (I think monowiz-win32.nsi could be used with NSIS as a starting point
> > for this work, although it looks like it might be quite dated in
> > comparison to the current installer?)
> >
> > - I'd also like to run the Mono tests as a part of the build
> > verification. Are they expected to work under Windows/Cygwin?
> >
> > - The official mono-3.10.0-branch of Mono does not build under Windows.
> > For this to build a commit would need to be cherry-picked to
> > mono-3.10.0-branch from master. My fork includes this commit enabling
> > the build.
> > (Vincent Povirk's needed commit is in the forked branch of
> > mono-3.10.0-branch here
> >
> https://github.com/DynamicDevices/mono/commit/ce29c7c567afc4dcc14155d88250ebf6cfbc6718)
> >
> > - The current master also does not build which looks to be an inclusion
> > ordering issue in mono/metadata/socket-io.c
> > (I think I have addressed this with PR#1366 - for discussion - as
> > there may well be better ways to do this:
> > https://github.com/mono/mono/pull/1366)
> >
> > - The standard Appveyor plan limits builds to 30 minutes. The Mono build
> > is currently taking slightly over 3 hours and so will be cut short on
> > the default plan. Feyodor@Appveyor has very kindly put me onto an
> > OpenSource build plan which prevents the build being cut short.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Alex
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> > Mono-devel-list mailing list
> > Mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
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Dynamic Devices Ltd <http://www.dynamicdevices.co.uk/>

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