On 23.11.2014 12:57, Martin Thwaites wrote:
Hi All,

Has anyone got any idea what FEATURE_PAL is?

It's a define, and seems to have a lot of comments around IIS, and that if
it's Enabled, then don't do IIS stuff.  Seems like something that we could
just add in our stuff to exclude alot of windows specific stuff without
having to add our own defines?


The best explanation I've seen says it's the "Platform Adaptation Layer",
and is to do with compiling it for other architectures such as ARM.  Seems
like something that we would want to enable?

There is a "ROTORTODO" comment inside a FEATURE_PAL block:


Rotor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_Source_Common_Language_Infrastructure

PAL: Platform Abstraction Layer.

So it probably makes sense to enable (or to look closely at)
FEATURE_PAL when compiling for Mono.


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