On Dec 15, 2014, at 6:54 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) 
<edward.harvey.m...@clevertrove.com> wrote:
> I'll look into __MonoCS__ to see if it does what I'm looking for.

It is not what you're looking for. __MonoCS__ is defined by the Mono C# 
compiler (mcs); that's all it means.

It doesn't mean that you're building on Linux or Windows (Mono + mcs runs on 
Windows). It doesn't control which runtime mcs is running within (mcs runs 
within .NET as well as Mono). It doesn't control what runtime you're running in 
(mcs output runs on .NET).

About the only use for __MonoCS__ is if you hit an mcs bug and want to work 
around it.

 - Jon

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