> From: Sebastien Pouliot [mailto:sebastien.poul...@gmail.com]
>> Thanks - so it sounds like WebClient, on OSX, iOS, and Android, are wrapping
>> around some API provided by the OS, correct?  Is the same true on linux?
> No, not for Linux. There is (or at least was) no OS API that provided that
> service and not every distro shipped/installed-by-default any library that
> could do this.

Thanks - so the present status is, WebClient should work on non-linux 
platforms, (at least OSX, iOS, and Android) even with an empty mono CA root 
store "Trust".  On linux, the mono store "Trust" needs to be populated - but 
recently, the rpm & deb packages were improved to automatically populate via 

Presumably there is no automated process to do this when built from source.  
Perhaps either the Makefile, or documentation should be updated to suggest 
running cert-sync on linux when built from source.

SslStream and other classes that rely on the .Net cert store management, are 
less fortunate - the mono CA store "Trust" must be populated.  This happens 
automatically when using the latest linux packages, but does not happen 
automatically for any other platforms, and not if built from source.
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