This seems to be the same bug as which has been fixed recently in the master branch.

On 26/03/15 21:39, Jon Curry wrote:
My first post…so here goes.

I am attempting to port a large enterprise application to mono, and have
been pleasantly surprised at how well most things work.

I am hitting one snag executing a SqlCommand that includes a
SqlParameter whose data type is SqlDbType.TinyInt (have also tried Int),
and whose value is DBNull.Value.

I just installed the latest monodevelop last Friday (v5.7).  Any fix or
workaround would be appreciated!

:::Repro C# code:

       private static void SqlTest()


          using ( var con = new SqlConnection( "Application
Name=MyApp;Data Source=machinename;Database=MGLatest_Mono;User
ID=sa;Pwd=xxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" ) )



             using ( var cmd = con.CreateCommand() )


                cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                cmd.CommandText = "DoTest";

                cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@byte",
System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt ) );

                cmd.Parameters[ "@byte" ].Direction =

                // cmd.Parameters[ "@byte" ].Value = (byte)0;  // THIS WORKS

                cmd.Parameters[ "@byte" ].Value = DBNull.Value;  // THIS
FAILS (as does null, or omitting)


                Console.WriteLine( cmd.Parameters[ "@byte" ].Value );




:::Repro Store Proc:

createproc DoTest(@byte tinyint output)


set@byte = 238


Unhandled Exception:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The incoming tabular data stream
(TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect.
Parameter 1 ("@byte"): Data type 0x26 has an invalid data length or
metadata length.

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