
Our backend service running on Mono 4.2.2 on Linux is experiencing an unmanaged 
memory leak. When running our stress tests for several hours, we see the 
managed heap sit around 50 MB, while private memory keeps growing until the 
process is killed because of OOM. I am therefore attempting to use valgrind to 
find the culprit, but I am getting so many leaks detected that I think many 
must be false positives, so I thought I would ask here for some guidance about 
which are safe to suppress or any other valgrind + mono tricks you can share.

The vast majority of leaks reported have call stacks that closely match one of 
the following:

==16846== 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 74 of 19,903

==16846==    at 0x4C26FEF: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:711)

==16846==    by 0x62D1D9: monoeg_malloc0 (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x4870F2: decode_exception_debug_info (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x488975: mono_aot_find_jit_info (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x53C3A7: mono_jit_info_table_find_internal (in 

==16846==    by 0x493C04: mini_jit_info_table_find_ext (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x4988FB: mini_add_method_trampoline (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x499067: common_call_trampoline_inner (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x403217C: ???

==16846==    by 0x10D3FB63: ???

==16846==    by 0x10D3F41B: ???

==16846==    by 0x10D3F117: ???

==16846== 12 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,172 of 

==16846==    at 0x4C2828A: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)

==16846==    by 0x62D221: monoeg_malloc (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x55B8EF: mono_metadata_type_dup (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x49FC4B: get_shared_gparam (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x49FE70: get_shared_inst (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x4A073A: mini_get_shared_method_full (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x414723: lookup_method (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x4147FA: mono_jit_compile_method_with_opt (in 

==16846==    by 0x414B9A: mono_jit_compile_method (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x498DA4: common_call_trampoline_inner (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x403405C: ???

==16846==    by 0x10D2DCA7: ???

==16846== 10 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 739 of 19,903

==16846==    at 0x4C2828A: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)

==16846==    by 0x62D221: monoeg_malloc (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x62BA8C: monoeg_g_utf16_to_utf8 (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x5A8646: mono_string_to_utf8_checked (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x5A885B: mono_string_to_utf8 (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x52DE3C: ves_icall_Type_GetNestedTypes (in /usr/bin/mono-sgen)

==16846==    by 0x120D4256: ???

==16846==    by 0xE338A78: 
System_Type_GetMember_string_System_Reflection_BindingFlags (type.cs:806)

==16846==    by 0x40C09EF: ???

==16846==    by 0x1259A6AF: ???

==16846==    by 0x73: ???

==16846==    by 0x141D191D: ???

Are these valid leaks or is valgrind confused/misconfigured? I am using the 
following command:

valgrind --tool=memcheck -v --leak-check=full --log-file=val.txt 
--smc-check=all mono program.exe

Thanks for any input you can offer,

Matt Zinkevicius

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