On 30/03/2016 12:32, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) wrote:
>> From: Chris Swiedler [mailto:cswied...@trionworlds.com]
>> Why not just include references to Mono.Posix.dll in the Windows build? You
>> don't have to install the full framework.
> Then when you run it on mono, you're using the Mono.Posix.dll that you 
> packaged with your application, instead of using the one that's included in 
> the OS. Although it's arguable which way is better, because each way has pros 
> and cons, the OP specifically said he didn't want to do this (and I 
> personally agree).
> It's not difficult to write the abstraction factory, and it's the most 
> elegant solution. I will advocate for this because I've been burned in the 
> past by *not* doing it.

I think there was a thread from September 2015 that perhaps touched upon
these issues and use of factory methods? The code snippets in there
might possibly be of use:


Cheers,  Alex

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