
I'm working against the CVS version now, I'll merge the changes (just to the
not-written members.

Question: Can I use <seealso cref="" /> ? Or should i use <altmember cref=""
/> instead, as described in
http://www.nullenvoid.com/mono/wiki/index.php/ECMAStyleDocumentation ? I'm
confused, because the section where altmember are described, talk something
about free-form documentation.


Gustavo Ramos

> -----Mensaje original-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de Gustavo Ramos
> Enviado el: Viernes, 22 de Agosto de 2003 06:57 p.m.
> Para: mono-docs-list
> Asunto: RE: [Mono-docs-list] Gtk.Widget.Sensitive document patch
> Hello list,
> I've posted the here-inlined message, but unfortunately from a
> non-subscribed account (sorry moderators) and is not yet approved. Well,
> please don't check in it yet, I'm working on more properties of the same
> file. When I am done, I'll post it again. In the meanwhile, I
> hope comments
> on the posted file for xml/style/spell issues.
> BTW, is nobody working on these Gtk.Widget properties ?
> + CanDefault
> + CanFocus
> + HasDefault
> + HasFocus
> + IsFocus (can I extend the doc?)
> + ReceivesDefault
> + Sensitive
> also, the events
> + Focused
> + FocusGrabbed
> + FocusInEvent
> + FocusOutEvent
> + GrabNotify
> also, the methods
> + Activate (can I extend the doc?)
> + GrabDefault (can I extend the doc?)
> + GrabFocus (can I extend the doc?)
> If anyone has been working in any of these, please tell me to
> stop writing.
> I'll wait the approval to write the members marked as "can I extend the
> doc?".
> Regards,
> Gustavo
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Gustavo Ramos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el: Viernes, 22 de Agosto de 2003 05:34 p.m.
> Para: mono-docs-list
> Asunto: Gtk.Widget.Sensitive document patch
> Hello list,
> I have two news for you. The good one is that I've written the
> documentation
> for the property Gtk.Widget.Sensitive. The bad is -sorry Ben- i don't have
> aspell, neither a working xmllint neither tidy, because some things in my
> box are broken :(
> I've diff'ed my file against Widget.xml from gtk-sharp-0.10, with
>   diff -u Widget.xml MyWidgetDoc.xml > Widget.xml.diff
> Hope it is elegible for checking in :)
> Regards,
> Gustavo Ramos

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