Hey everybody,

    after being stucked for a couple of days because of a stupid error
that I made, I've finally added some improvements to the gecko patch.

* Gecko support is now only built when gecko-sharp is present
(GeckoHtmlRender.dll). Gecko-sharp is not a requirement now.

* The HtmlRender.cs is splitted in 3 files, the interface and the two
implementations: IHtmlRender.cs, GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs,

* When monodoc is started, it tries to load the gecko renderer and if
it fails, it uses the gtkhtml.

* The "--gecko" option is changed to "--no-gecko" because gecko is
(should be) the default

*The GeckoHtmlRender has a new function, checkUrl, that tries to solve
the problem with gecko, who lower-case the scheme part of the url (the
part before the ':'), thus, breaking some URLs like

Things that are left:
    * the scrollbar showed is the gecko one
    * copy/paste doesn't work
    * anchor links (links to the same page) doesn't work either

ok to commit?

Index: configure.in
--- configure.in	(revision 47406)
+++ configure.in	(working copy)
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GECKO_SHARP, gecko-sharp = 0.6)
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GECKO_SHARP, gecko-sharp = 0.6, enable_gecko=yes, enable_gecko=no)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GECKO, test "x$enable_gecko" = "xyes")
 dnl Intl
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
@@ -76,4 +78,9 @@
 echo "Configuration summary"
 echo ""
 echo "   * Installation prefix = $prefix"
+echo "   * gecko-sharp.dll = $enable_gecko"
 echo ""
+echo "      NOTE: if any of the above say 'no' you may install the"
+echo "            corresponding development packages for them, rerun"
+echo "            autogen.sh to include them in the build."
+echo ""
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 47406)
+++ ChangeLog	(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+2005-08-30 Mario Sopena Novales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+	* configure.in: make gecko-sharp dependency conditional
 2005-06-09 Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 	* configure.in: added GNUNIT_VERSION.
Index: docbrowser/IHtmlRender.cs
--- docbrowser/IHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
+++ docbrowser/IHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// IHtmlRender.cs: Interface that abstracts the html render widget
+// Author: Mario Sopena
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+namespace Monodoc {
+public interface IHtmlRender {
+	// Jump to an anchor of the form <a name="tttt">
+	void JumpToAnchor (string anchor_name);
+	//Copy to the clipboard the selcted text
+	void Copy ();
+	//Select all the text
+	void SelectAll ();
+	//Render the HTML code given
+	void Render (string html_code);
+	//Event fired when the use is over an Url
+	event EventHandler OnUrl;
+	//Event fired when the user clicks on a Link
+	event EventHandler UrlClicked;
+	// Variable that handles the info encessary for the events
+	// As every implementation of HtmlRender will have differents events
+	// we try to homogenize them with the variabel
+	string Url { get; }
+	Widget HtmlPanel { get; }
Index: docbrowser/GeckoHtmlRender.cs
--- docbrowser/GeckoHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
+++ docbrowser/GeckoHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// GeckoHtmlRender.cs: Implementation of IHtmlRender that uses Gecko
+// Author: Mario Sopena
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using Gecko;
+using Gtk;
+namespace Monodoc {
+public class GeckoHtmlRender : IHtmlRender {
+	//Images are cached in a temporal directory
+	Hashtable cache_imgs;
+	string tmpPath;
+	WebControl html_panel;
+	Viewport panel;
+	public Widget HtmlPanel {
+		get { return (Widget) panel; }
+	}
+	string url;
+	public string Url {
+		get { return url; }
+	}
+	RootTree help_tree;
+	public event EventHandler OnUrl;
+	public event EventHandler UrlClicked;
+	public GeckoHtmlRender (RootTree help_tree) 
+	{
+		this.help_tree = help_tree;
+		html_panel = new WebControl("/tmp/monodoc", "MonodocGecko"); //FIXME
+		html_panel.Show(); //due to Gecko bug
+		html_panel.OpenUri += OnOpenUri;
+		html_panel.LinkMsg += OnLinkMsg;
+		panel = new Viewport();
+		panel.Add (html_panel);
+		cache_imgs = new Hashtable();
+		tmpPath = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath(), "monodoc");
+	}
+	protected void OnOpenUri (object o, OpenUriArgs args)
+	{
+		url = CheckUrl (args.AURI);
+		if (UrlClicked != null)
+			UrlClicked (this, new EventArgs());
+		args.RetVal = true; //this prevents Gecko to continue processing
+	}
+	protected void OnLinkMsg (object o, EventArgs args)
+	{
+		url = CheckUrl (html_panel.LinkMessage);
+		if (OnUrl != null)
+			OnUrl (this, args);
+	}
+	// URL like T:System.Activator are lower cased by gecko to t.;System.Activator
+	// so we revert that
+	string CheckUrl (string u)
+	{
+		if (u.IndexOf (':') == 1)
+			return Char.ToUpper (u[0]) + u.Substring (1);
+		return u;
+	}
+	public void JumpToAnchor (string anchor_name) 
+	{
+	}
+	public void Copy() {}
+	public void SelectAll() {}
+	public void Render (string html_code) 
+	{
+		string r = ProcessImages (html_code);
+		html_panel.OpenStream ("file:///", "text/html");
+		html_panel.AppendData (r);
+		html_panel.CloseStream ();
+	}
+	// Substitute the src of the images with the appropriate path
+	string ProcessImages (string html_code)
+	{
+		//If there are no Images return fast
+		int pos = html_code.IndexOf ("<img", 0, html_code.Length);
+		if (pos == -1)
+			return html_code;
+		StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder ();
+		html.Append (html_code.Substring (0, pos)); 
+		int srcIni, srcEnd;
+		string Img;
+		Stream s;
+		string path, img_name;
+		while (pos != -1) {
+			//look for the src of the img
+		 	srcIni = html_code.IndexOf ("src=\"", pos);
+		 	srcEnd = html_code.IndexOf ("\"", srcIni+6);
+			Img = html_code.Substring (srcIni+5, srcEnd-srcIni-5);
+			path = "NO_IMG";
+			//is the img cached?
+			if (cache_imgs.Contains(Img)) {
+				path = (string) cache_imgs[Img];
+			} else {
+				//obtain the stream from the compressed sources
+				s = help_tree.GetImage (Img);
+				if (s != null) {
+					//write the file to a tmp directory
+					img_name = Img.Substring (Img.LastIndexOf (":")+1);
+					path = Path.Combine (tmpPath, img_name);
+					Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (path));
+					FileStream file = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
+					byte[] buffer = new byte [8192];
+					int n;
+					while ((n = s.Read (buffer, 0, 8192)) != 0) 
+						file.Write (buffer, 0, n);
+					file.Flush();
+					file.Close();
+					System.Console.WriteLine("Cache: {0}", path);
+					//Add the image to the cache
+					cache_imgs[Img] = path;
+				}
+			}
+			//Add the html code from <img until src=" 
+			html.Append (html_code.Substring (pos, srcIni + 5 - pos));
+			//Add the Image path
+			html.Append (path);		
+			//Look for the next image
+			pos = html_code.IndexOf ("<img", srcIni);
+			if (pos == -1)  
+				//Add the rest of the file
+				html.Append (html_code.Substring (srcEnd));
+			else 
+				//Add from " to the next <img
+				html.Append (html_code.Substring (srcEnd, pos - srcEnd)); //check this
+		}
+		return html.ToString();
+	}
Index: docbrowser/ChangeLog
--- docbrowser/ChangeLog	(revision 47406)
+++ docbrowser/ChangeLog	(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2005-08-30 Mario Sopena Novales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+	* Makefile.am: build gecko support in a separate dll: GeckoHtmlRender.dll
+	* monodoc.in: Change "--gecko" parameter to "--no-gecko"
+	* HtmlRender.cs: splitted in 3 files (deleted):
+		* IHtmlRender.cs: interface
+		* GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs: GtkHtml based renderer
+		* GeckoHtmlRender.cs: Gecko-sharp based renderer
 2005-07-07 Mario Sopena Novales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 	Move the rendering logic to an interface IHtmlRender and write 
Index: docbrowser/browser.cs
--- docbrowser/browser.cs	(revision 47406)
+++ docbrowser/browser.cs	(working copy)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	static int Main (string [] args)
 		string topic = null;
-		bool useGecko = false;
+		bool useGecko = true;
 		for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++){
 			switch (args [i]){
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
-			case "--gecko":
-				useGecko = true;
+			case "--no-gecko":
+				useGecko = false;
 				topic = args [i];
@@ -1847,12 +1847,28 @@
-		// Setup the HTML rendering area
+		// Setup the HTML rendering and preview area
-		if (browser.UseGecko) 
-			html = new GeckoHtmlRender (browser);
-		else 
+		if (browser.UseGecko) {
+			try {
+				string exeAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location;
+				string myPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (exeAssembly);
+				Assembly gecko_dll = Assembly.LoadFrom (System.IO.Path.Combine (myPath, "GeckoHtmlRender.dll"));
+				Type gecko_render_type = gecko_dll.GetType ("Monodoc.GeckoHtmlRender", true);
+				object[] args = new object [1];
+				args [0] = browser.help_tree;
+				html = (IHtmlRender) Activator.CreateInstance (gecko_render_type, args);
+				html_preview = (IHtmlRender) Activator.CreateInstance (gecko_render_type, args);
+			} catch (Exception exc) {
+				html = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser);
+				html_preview = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser);
+			}
+		// if the user explicitally state that doesnt want gecko
+		} else {
 			html = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser);
+			html_preview = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser);
+		}
 		html_container.Add (html.HtmlPanel);
 		html.UrlClicked += new EventHandler (browser.LinkClicked);
 		html.OnUrl += new EventHandler (browser.OnUrlMouseOver);
@@ -1905,10 +1921,6 @@
 		// code preview panel
-		if (browser.UseGecko) 
-			html_preview = new GeckoHtmlRender (browser);
-		else 
-			html_preview = new GtkHtmlHtmlRender (browser);
 		html_preview_container.Add (html_preview.HtmlPanel);
Index: docbrowser/GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs
--- docbrowser/GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
+++ docbrowser/GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs: Implementation of IHtmlRender that uses Gtk.HTML
+// Author: Mario Sopena
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using System.IO;
+namespace Monodoc {
+class GtkHtmlHtmlRender : IHtmlRender {
+	HTML html_panel;
+	public Widget HtmlPanel {
+		get { return (Widget) html_panel; }
+	}
+	string url;
+	public string Url {
+		get { return url; }
+	}
+	Browser browser;
+	public event EventHandler OnUrl;
+	public event EventHandler UrlClicked;
+	public GtkHtmlHtmlRender (Browser browser) 
+	{
+		html_panel = new HTML();
+		html_panel.Show(); 
+		html_panel.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedHandler (LinkClicked);
+		html_panel.OnUrl += new OnUrlHandler (OnUrlMouseOver);
+		html_panel.UrlRequested += new UrlRequestedHandler (UrlRequested);
+		this.browser = browser;
+	}
+	protected void LinkClicked (object o, LinkClickedArgs args)
+	{
+		url = args.Url;
+		if (UrlClicked != null)
+			UrlClicked (this, new EventArgs());
+	}
+	protected void OnUrlMouseOver (object o, OnUrlArgs args)
+	{
+		url = args.Url;
+		if (OnUrl != null)
+			OnUrl (this, args);
+	}
+	public void JumpToAnchor (string anchor)
+	{
+		html_panel.JumpToAnchor(anchor);
+	}
+	public void Copy () 
+	{
+		html_panel.Copy();	
+	}
+	public void SelectAll () 
+	{
+		html_panel.SelectAll();	
+	}
+	public void Render (string html_code) 
+	{
+		Gtk.HTMLStream stream = html_panel.Begin ("text/html");
+		stream.Write(html_code);
+		html_panel.End (stream, HTMLStreamStatus.Ok);
+	}
+	protected void UrlRequested (object sender, UrlRequestedArgs args)
+	{
+		Stream s = browser.help_tree.GetImage (args.Url);
+		if (s == null)
+			s = browser.GetResourceImage ("monodoc.png");
+		byte [] buffer = new byte [8192];
+		int n, m;
+		m=0;
+		while ((n = s.Read (buffer, 0, 8192)) != 0) {
+			args.Handle.Write (buffer, n);
+			m += n;
+		}
+		args.Handle.Close (HTMLStreamStatus.Ok);
+	}
Index: docbrowser/monodoc.in
--- docbrowser/monodoc.in	(revision 47406)
+++ docbrowser/monodoc.in	(working copy)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	echo "  --help             Print this message"
 	echo "  --html TOPIC       Print the HTML contents of TOPIC"
 	echo "  --make-index       Create the documentation index"
-	echo "  --gecko            Use Mozilla to render the contents"
+	echo "  --no-gecko         Don't use Mozilla to render the contents"
 	echo "The following options are available for authoring documentation:"
 	echo "  --edit path        Edit (unassembled) documentation at path"
Index: docbrowser/HtmlRender.cs
--- docbrowser/HtmlRender.cs	(revision 47406)
+++ docbrowser/HtmlRender.cs	(working copy)
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using Gecko;
-using Gtk;
-using System.Text;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-namespace Monodoc {
-interface IHtmlRender {
-	// Jump to an anchor of the form <a name="tttt">
-	void JumpToAnchor (string anchor_name);
-	//Copy to the clipboard the selcted text
-	void Copy ();
-	//Select all the text
-	void SelectAll ();
-	//Render the HTML code given
-	void Render (string HtmlCode);
-	//Event fired when the use is over an Url
-	event EventHandler OnUrl;
-	//Event fired when the user clicks on a Link
-	event EventHandler UrlClicked;
-	// Variable that handles the info encessary for the events
-	// As every implementation of HtmlRender will have differents events
-	// we try to homogenize them with the variabel
-	string Url { get; }
-	Widget HtmlPanel { get; }
-class GeckoHtmlRender : IHtmlRender {
-	Hashtable cache_imgs;
-	string tmpPath;
-	WebControl _HtmlPanel;
-	Viewport panel;
-	public Widget HtmlPanel {
-		get { return (Widget) panel; }
-	}
-	string _url;
-	public string Url {
-		get { return _url; }
-	}
-	Browser browser;
-	public event EventHandler OnUrl;
-	public event EventHandler UrlClicked;
-	public GeckoHtmlRender (Browser browser) 
-	{
-		this.browser = browser;
-		_HtmlPanel = new WebControl("/tmp/monodoc", "MonodocGecko"); //FIXME
-		_HtmlPanel.Show(); //due to Gecko bug
-		_HtmlPanel.OpenUri += OnOpenUri;
-		_HtmlPanel.LinkMsg += OnLinkMsg;
-		panel = new Viewport();
-		panel.Add (_HtmlPanel);
-		cache_imgs = new Hashtable();
-		tmpPath = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath(), "monodoc");
-	}
-	protected void OnOpenUri (object o, OpenUriArgs args)
-	{
-		_url = args.AURI;
-		if (UrlClicked != null)
-			UrlClicked (this, new EventArgs());
-		args.RetVal = true; //this prevents Gecko to continue processing
-	}
-	protected void OnLinkMsg (object o, EventArgs args)
-	{
-		_url = _HtmlPanel.LinkMessage;
-		if (OnUrl != null)
-			OnUrl (this, args);
-	}
-	public void JumpToAnchor (string anchor_name) 
-	{
-	}
-	public void Copy() {}
-	public void SelectAll() {}
-	public void Render (string HtmlCode) 
-	{
-		string r = ProcessImages(HtmlCode);
-		_HtmlPanel.OpenStream("file:///", "text/html");
-		_HtmlPanel.AppendData(r);
-		_HtmlPanel.CloseStream();
-	}
-	// Substitute the src of the images with the appropriate path
-	string ProcessImages(string HtmlCode)
-	{
-		//If there are no Images return fast
-		int pos = HtmlCode.IndexOf ("<img", 0, HtmlCode.Length);
-		if (pos == -1)
-			return HtmlCode;
-		StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder ();
-		html.Append (HtmlCode.Substring (0, pos)); 
-		int srcIni, srcEnd;
-		string Img;
-		Stream s;
-		string path, img_name;
-		while (pos != -1) {
-			//look for the src of the img
-		 	srcIni = HtmlCode.IndexOf ("src=\"", pos);
-		 	srcEnd = HtmlCode.IndexOf ("\"", srcIni+6);
-			Img = HtmlCode.Substring (srcIni+5, srcEnd-srcIni-5);
-			path = "NO_IMG";
-			//is the img cached?
-			if (cache_imgs.Contains(Img)) {
-				path = (string) cache_imgs[Img];
-			} else {
-				//obtain the stream from the compressed sources
-				s = browser.help_tree.GetImage (Img);
-				if (s != null) {
-					//write the file to a tmp directory
-					img_name = Img.Substring (Img.LastIndexOf (":")+1);
-					path = Path.Combine (tmpPath, img_name);
-					Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (path));
-					FileStream file = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
-					byte[] buffer = new byte [8192];
-					int n;
-					while ((n = s.Read (buffer, 0, 8192)) != 0) 
-						file.Write (buffer, 0, n);
-					file.Flush();
-					file.Close();
-					System.Console.WriteLine("Cache: {0}", path);
-					//Add the image to the cache
-					cache_imgs[Img] = path;
-				}
-			}
-			//Add the html code from <img until src=" 
-			html.Append (HtmlCode.Substring (pos, srcIni + 5 - pos));
-			//Add the Image path
-			html.Append (path);		
-			//Look for the next image
-			pos = HtmlCode.IndexOf ("<img", srcIni);
-			if (pos == -1)  
-				//Add the rest of the file
-				html.Append (HtmlCode.Substring (srcEnd));
-			else 
-				//Add from " to the next <img
-				html.Append (HtmlCode.Substring (srcEnd, pos - srcEnd)); //check this
-		}
-		return html.ToString();
-	}
-class GtkHtmlHtmlRender : IHtmlRender {
-	HTML _HtmlPanel;
-	public Widget HtmlPanel {
-		get { 
-			return (Widget) _HtmlPanel; }
-	}
-	string _url;
-	public string Url {
-		get { return _url; }
-	}
-	Browser browser;
-	public event EventHandler OnUrl;
-	public event EventHandler UrlClicked;
-	public GtkHtmlHtmlRender (Browser browser) 
-	{
-		_HtmlPanel = new HTML();
-		_HtmlPanel.Show(); 
-		_HtmlPanel.LinkClicked += new LinkClickedHandler (LinkClicked);
-		_HtmlPanel.OnUrl += new OnUrlHandler (OnUrlMouseOver);
-		_HtmlPanel.UrlRequested += new UrlRequestedHandler (UrlRequested);
-		this.browser = browser;
-	}
-	protected void LinkClicked (object o, LinkClickedArgs args)
-	{
-		_url = args.Url;
-		if (UrlClicked != null)
-			UrlClicked (this, new EventArgs());
-	}
-	protected void OnUrlMouseOver (object o, OnUrlArgs args)
-	{
-		_url = args.Url;
-		if (OnUrl != null)
-			OnUrl (this, args);
-	}
-	public void JumpToAnchor (string anchor)
-	{
-		_HtmlPanel.JumpToAnchor(anchor);
-	}
-	public void Copy () 
-	{
-		_HtmlPanel.Copy();	
-	}
-	public void SelectAll () 
-	{
-		_HtmlPanel.SelectAll();	
-	}
-	public void Render (string HtmlCode) 
-	{
-		Gtk.HTMLStream stream = _HtmlPanel.Begin ("text/html");
-		stream.Write(HtmlCode);
-		_HtmlPanel.End (stream, HTMLStreamStatus.Ok);
-	}
-	protected void UrlRequested (object sender, UrlRequestedArgs args)
-	{
-		Stream s = browser.help_tree.GetImage (args.Url);
-		if (s == null)
-			s = browser.GetResourceImage ("monodoc.png");
-		byte [] buffer = new byte [8192];
-		int n, m;
-		m=0;
-		while ((n = s.Read (buffer, 0, 8192)) != 0) {
-			args.Handle.Write (buffer, n);
-			m += n;
-		}
-		args.Handle.Close (HTMLStreamStatus.Ok);
-	}
Index: docbrowser/Makefile.am
--- docbrowser/Makefile.am	(revision 47406)
+++ docbrowser/Makefile.am	(working copy)
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
-monodoc_DATA = browser.exe 
 noinst_DATA = admin.exe
-CLEANFILES = browser.exe browser.exe.mdb admin.exe admin.exe.mdb
+CLEANFILES = browser.exe browser.exe.mdb admin.exe admin.exe.mdb GeckoHtmlRender.dll 
+monodoc_DATA = browser.exe GeckoHtmlRender.dll 
+CLEANFILES = browser.exe browser.exe.mdb admin.exe admin.exe.mdb 
+monodoc_DATA = browser.exe 
 DISTCLEANFILES = AssemblyInfo.cs monodoc.desktop monodoc.in
 bin_SCRIPTS = monodoc
@@ -14,13 +22,19 @@
 	$(srcdir)/history.cs 		\
 	$(srcdir)/Contributions.cs	\
 	$(srcdir)/XmlNodeWriter.cs	\
-	$(srcdir)/HtmlRender.cs	
+	$(srcdir)/GtkHtmlHtmlRender.cs	\
+	$(srcdir)/IHtmlRender.cs	
+geckorender_sources = \
+	$(srcdir)/GeckoHtmlRender.cs
 admin_sources = \
 	$(srcdir)/admin.cs		\
-browser_assemblies = $(GTK_SHARP_LIBS) $(GECKO_SHARP_LIBS) -pkg:monodoc -r:System.Web.Services 
+browser_assemblies = $(GTK_SHARP_LIBS) -pkg:monodoc -r:System.Web.Services 
+geckorender_assemblies = $(GTK_SHARP_LIBS) $(GECKO_SHARP_LIBS) -pkg:monodoc -r:browser.exe
 	$(browser_sources) 	\
@@ -32,9 +46,14 @@
 admin.exe: $(admin_sources) $(srcdir)/admin.glade
 	$(MCS) -debug -out:admin.exe $(admin_sources) -resource:$(srcdir)/admin.glade,admin.glade $(browser_assemblies) -r:System.Drawing
-browser.exe: $(browser_sources) $(srcdir)/browser.glade $(srcdir)/monodoc.png
-	$(MCS) -debug -out:browser.exe $(browser_sources) -resource:$(srcdir)/monodoc.png,monodoc.png -resource:$(srcdir)/browser.glade,browser.glade  $(browser_assemblies)
+browser.exe: $(browser_sources) $(srcdir)/browser.glade $(srcdir)/monodoc.png 
+	$(MCS) -debug -out:browser.exe $(browser_sources) -resource:$(srcdir)/monodoc.png,monodoc.png -resource:$(srcdir)/browser.glade,browser.glade  $(browser_assemblies) 
+GeckoHtmlRender.dll : $(geckorender_sources) browser.exe
+	$(MCS) -debug -target:library -out:GeckoHtmlRender.dll $(geckorender_sources) $(geckorender_assemblies)
 b: browser.exe
 	MONO_PATH=. $(RUNTIME) --debug browser.exe
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