
I am getting together some ideas for documentation to add to the wiki, but
I would just like to ask, hopefully, a straightforward question.

Is it wise to create a tutorial on creating a basic GTK# app, which shows
a GTK# interface being built, using Monodevelop's GUI designer and Stetic,
instead of Glade# or doing it by hand? (The tutorial would be more
focussed on layout and containers, basic String manipulation, basic event
handling, etc.)

Stetic is a very young project, but it is hooked nicely into Monodevelop,
and might suit a newbie tutorial, aimed at a level a little above 'Hello

I could show the same GTK# interface being built using Glade, Stetic and
hand-written code, but that might be confusing to someone just starting to
learn Mono and GTK.

Which one is suitable?

(I've tried to lay out some plans on my wiki user page: 
http://www.mono-project.com/User:BenOSteen )



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