Well, the mono project was initially started as an aid for Gnome development, as Miguel stated once. Although it has recently taken another focus, I think we should still keep that in mind and continue to promote the use of gtk-sharp. However, I don't think it would be a bad idea to have a Qt# chapter.


On Mon, 2002-12-23 at 22:22, Guenther Roith wrote:
> I see a lot of documentation work going on at the moment,
> the GNOME.NET tutorial, a manual, http://mono.jroith.de/monkeyguide/,
> and more.
> What do you guys think about merging these efforts?
> I suggest a name like The Mono Tutorial, by inspiration of The Java
> Tutorial http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/

I think merging would be a problem, because mono and gtk-sharp (Gnome.NET)
are separate, but what would be possible is working together (same
stylesheets, similiar design).


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