Actually, WinZip can be evil and may add CR in front of your LF if it's configured that way. From experience, it turns out not to be very smart. There is an option in the preferences that you can turn off so it will stop inserting CR.

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 11:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 10:40:02PM -0400, PJ Cabrera wrote:
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 16:04, Jaroslaw Kowalski wrote:
First, make sure, you're using the right make.exe (check your PATH for
possible other make-s)

I've found similar problems when using nmake instead of make or vice versa.

I hope it's not too late to add my 2 cents ...

I have also seen this same error message under Cygwin. For example, it
has happened to me when Cygwin was configured to treat all files as Unix
files and the Makefile was a DOS file (CRLF on line endings instead of
just CR).

The main culprit was using WinZip to untar the sources. It is a Windows
app, obviously, and puts CRLFs in all text files. The solution is to
use tar under Cygwin to untar the sources.

Perhaps this issue can be chalked up to this WinZip problem?

Jeroen, did you eventually get the Mono build to work? How did you get
the Mono sources onto disk when you tried the build?
I think that WinZip isn't problematic with CRLF. A de/compression
application must be deterministic, it only runs an algorithm and doesn't
look inside the content of any file.

In a unix environment there are a lot of apps that works well with crlf
files (only do not process that character) but there are other kind of
apps that have a lot of problems with crlf (for example flex and as I
see, make). CygWin is a unix environment for windows, configure it for
tun applications in unix style, it will work better.

See you,


Pedro Martinez Juliá
Socio HispaLinux #311
Usuario Linux #275438 -
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