At 6/4/2003 03:21, you wrote:

Dude, that was harsh and totally unnecessary.

Sorry, but I think it's better to try to put some things straight a bit. Besides, this is a mono list,
not a praise-my-favourite-dev-platform list, and as you can see I only commented on the stuff about ms, cw, c++, etc.

At 11:05 AM 04/06/2003 +0300, you wrote:
>At  6/3/2003 15:41, Robert Scott Horning wrote:
>... [whatever] ...
>Just grow up will you ! You're blabbing about the beauty of pascal (jeez),
>how c++ programmers are so closed-minded (?! really ?), only
>to move on (arbitrarily) on complimenting software you don't really know
>anything about, such as Microsoft's c++ compilers (which are
>quite a pain in the a** when it comes to standards and portability, but the
>ide rocks) and code warrior - yet another c(++) compiler.
>How can you say "CW maybe is on Linux" ?! I mean come on, have the decency
>to look it up before you write stuff like that.
>And MS is a MONEY company, not a compiler company which found itself owning
>an OS. How can someone be that naive ?
>Radu-Adrian Popescu
>Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Radu-Adrian Popescu
CSA, DBA, Developer
Aldratech Ltd.

_______________________________________________ Mono-list maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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