El dom, 14-09-2003 a las 13:20, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier escribió:
> There was a bug in the documentation (INSTALL.txt) regarding the
> directive name. For mod_mono_unix, something like:
> Listen 8080
> LoadModule mono_unix_module /home/gpanjav/httpd/modules/mod_mono_unix.so
> MonoApplicationUnix /mono /tmp/mod_mono_server
> works.

That's perfect, thanks! But with the current CVS version of mod_mono the
correct configuration is:

Listen 8080
LoadModule mono_unix_module /home/gpanjav/httpd/modules/mod_mono_unix.so
MonoApplicationUnix /tmp/mod_mono_server

Without the alias "/mono", now this is controlled directly by
mod_mono_server.exe, so you can specify virtual directories with:

mono mod-mono-server.exe --applications /virtual:/real/path

More info with mono mod-mono-server.exe --help


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