The requirements for Gtk# are the gtk runtime and .Net Framework(Mono or Microsoft), but for Glade# you will also need libglade.

Leandro Zis

Pablo Fischer wrote:
Why?.. I didnt  know that I needed just Mono to run Gtk, cause in, one of the requirements for Gtk# are Gtk Runtime and .NET,
but if It's not necesarry.. I'll remove it :).

Ok, I'm a Debian user and a fan of apt-get.. so the last version for
Debian (Alp's Repository) is the .26. I know that I can compile it and I
really want to do that.. but damn.. I love apt-get :).

So, If in the Windows (2k) I uninstall the .NET framework, change the
Mono version from .28 to .25 (cause .26 doesnt works for me) and the
Gtk# from .10 to .8 it will work?,

Also, another question: If I have my .exe app, the windows users can
download and use it with .NET (installing the gtk# in the .NET
directory) but WITHOUT mono, does my app will work or needs of Mono?

El lun, 06-10-2003 a las 17:29, Pavlica, Nick escribió:
  Why are you installing the .NET frame work in addition to Mono if you
are developing on Linux/Mono+GTK and deploying on Windows?  I would
recommend  using Mono .28+GTK or newer on both systems.  Using the same
runtime on both operating systems will allow you to have greater
confidence in the functionality of your software. 

My 2 Cents :)
Nick Pavlica

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 15:03, Pablo Fischer wrote:

I need to install Mono and Gtk# in 25 computers running Windows (Im
going to develop an app for the university in Linux and run it in

Im installing this packages in this order:

* .NET FrameWork
* Mono-.28 (I tried with .25 and I have the same error)
* Gtk#-10, but the stable version (like 3.xx MB), it contains the

Now Im testing with a simple app created with glade-sharp, gtk-sharp,
its a simple button that says: Bye World. But Everytime I try to run it
it crashes, giving me this error:

FAiled to load function gtksharp_glade_xml_get_filename from
gtksharpglue (this error appers twice)

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception
was thrown by the type initializer for
Gtk.Application--->System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found
where an object instance was required.

I compiled this in my linux, running 

Mono .26
gnome, gtk, glib, gtk-sharp-glue with .8-1


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