El sáb, 07-02-2004 a las 17:21, Miguel de Icaza escribió:
> Hey,
> > Only one little question: What are the main differences between using
> > "event" keyword or not when creating delegates?
> > 
> > Example:
> > 
> > delegate void ProbeDelegate  (string msg);
> > 
> > ProbeDelegate d1;
> > event ProbeDelegate d2;
> events can notify more than one function, a delegate only points to a
> single method.
> So you can have multiple "listeners".

But, only using delegates you can do:

  DelegadoOperacion multiD;
  multiD = new DelegadoOperacion(s.suma);
  multiD += new DelegadoOperacion(s.resta);

And then call multiD which will call more than one method. So what is
the real difference with events ??



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