Yes, you are correct, though I suspect that's going to require some manual rebuilding of Mono itself.


On Feb 24, 2004, at 7:34 PM, Urs C Muff wrote:

Well actually I agree that the shell scripts 'mono' and 'mcs' might live in /usr/bin, but I would create a Framework and put it in /System/Library/Frameworks/MonoVM.Framework the same way as /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.Framework is placed (look at the folder structure within the framework to see how Apple is structuring such a beast).

But the .Net assemblies should live in /System/Library/Frameworks/MonoVM.Framework/Versions/0.30/Assemblies where there is a link pointing there @ /System/Library/Frameworks/MonoVM.Framework/Assemblies.

That would conform with Apple's standard much better: I don't know how we would have to build mono to include those in the assembly load path...

- Urs

On Feb 24, 2004, at 5:11 PM, Andy Satori wrote:

OK, following up my own post and thoughts.

I went ahead and installed OS X 10.3 on an external FW drive, and just built a ground up Mono install using pkg-config 0.15.0, glib-2.3.1, gettext 0.11.5, and mono-0.30.1. And I'm getting ready to assemble the .pkg files for those installations. The question now becomes, where to put them...

On a fresh installation of OS X, /usr/local/bin is not in the path. Everything lives in /usr/bin, including java, javac, php, ruby, and python. Based upon that, we have the option of installing Mono and it's dep's into /usr/ /usr/local/ or /opt/.

For the average user, installing it to /usr/ means that it will just magically work. The other alternative is to write a shell script to alter the systemwide environment variables, but this would be overwritten by every .x.x patch to the OS. With the change to bash, we could alter it for the terminal windows, but spawned tasks would not have the correct environment by default.

Looking at the way that Apple integrated Java into the operating system, it looks like the "proper" way to do this would be to go to /usr/ as this would allow Mono development to build applications that are deployed in <<name>>.app bundles just like Java applications and be executable in the same fashion, giving Mono apps the same level of system parity as Java.

The only negative I see with this is that it might conflict with other versions of glib-2 or gettext on the system. It might give some strange interactions with DarwinPorts or Fink applications.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Andy Satori

On Feb 24, 2004, at 2:37 PM, Andy Satori wrote:

This depends upon if you want a 'native' solution, or a Fink, or a DarwinPorts solution. I personally prefer native solutions, as they don't require any 3rd party tools, but it means packaging all of the dependancies as well.

The native solution would be to build Package via the Apple Developer Tools Package Builder, then place it in a disk image, gzip the image and that's your installer.

The other solutions require that either the Fink client or the DarwinPorts tools be installed and then the user can use those installation systems, which are more like the Linux RPM, or Apt Get tools. This is fine, but it puts things in funny locations, like /sw/bin & /sw/lib or /opt/, making your documentation a little bit odd.

I'd be happy to work on a full installer package if that's of interest. It's not to terribly complex, and it ties into my work on integrating Mono (mcs) into XCode.


On Feb 24, 2004, at 1:44 PM, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

Hey guys,

Given that the Mono port for MacOS is progressing rapidly [1], I
would like the next release of Mono to be available as an easy-to-use
.dmg file.

Can someone who understand this explain what do I have to do?

[1] the only missing feature am aware of is exception handling.
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