I'm wotking with mono-0.30.2 on Linux, I'm trying to connect to MySql database with ByteFX. On Linux is very slow and return TIMED OUT. On Windows (0.30) is slow to but the connection SUCCESS.

When the compilation on Win32 with .NET is success, the execution of the program without MONO, the accent(ñóíáéú) UTF8 encoding blank the string of the Gtk# LABEL, but the execution with MONO don't produce it.

I'm trying with MySQLDriverCS the latest version, the compilation with mono don't success and inform me that i have to recompile the source because mono need to incremental... With .NET, the compilation is success, but i have the same problem blank GTK# Label.


> I've been using gtk# on linux (mono) and win32 (.net). This has been
> working flawlessly for quite a while. Now that I upgraded gtk# on linux
> to 0.17, the same code does not compile on .net. I decided to compile my
> 0.17 dll's using cygwin (for the first time). Not sure if I'm doing it
> right. Took the 7 compiled dll's and put them in my Bin/Debug directory
> of my visual studio solution. This is where I usually put them when I
> download them from the gtk# site and they work.
> Assuming that I compiled them correctly, I cannot override
> OnButtonPressEvent on win32 (.net). On linux it's ok.
> I get "no suitable method found to override."
> I'm using:
> protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton evnt)
> In order for it to work on .net, I have to use ref:
> protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(ref Gdk.EventButton evnt)
> Also, members of Gdk.EventButton are lower case in win32 and uppercase
> on mono (linux) such as:
> button, x, and y
> Does anyone have the windows dll's for 0.17? I would like to try someone
> else's?
> Regards,
> Alvaro

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