Hi there! I just heard of a peculiar bug in a ASP .NET validator. I
tryed to test it on mono, but it looks like mono isn't performing client

Well, to start, just create an aspx with:

<form runat="server">

        <asp:TextBox ID="tbFirst" Runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                ErrorMessage="This is a really long error message blah blah blah 

      <td><asp:TextBox ID="tbSecond" Runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>

Now, just follow the instructions:

        Throw that in an asp.net page and run it. Resize the IE window
        until it is just a little bigger than the controls. It needs to
        be small enough that when the validator is tripped the text
        wraps to the next line. 
        Type something in the top text box that will trip the validator.
        Before tripping the validator move the mouse cursor over the
        upper box and slowly move it down towards the lower box. When
        the cursor is about half way between the boxes it will switch
        from a pointer to a text insert cursor. When it does this,
        single click at that location. 
        You will now be able to type in the validator label. You will
        also be able to delete the validator text. Best of all, you can
        even delete the text box. Yeah, baby!
I could not test it, I do not know if is a general validator bug, or an
only-in-IE bug, or whatever.

On the other hand, is it normal that Mono isn't performing client side

Pedro Santos <www.psantos.net>
"Si minor plus est ergo nihil sunt omnia..."

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