Actually, I take it back...a simple test page with code-behind only in a
DLL and referenced only via "Inherits" works fine. It's when a
UserControl is placed on the page that things start getting weird.


On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 18:31 -0400, Gregory Junker wrote:
> html/vbconWebFormsCodeModel.asp
> At that link they say:
> "In Web Forms that use code-behind files, the @ Page directive (or @
> Control in user control files) contains attributes that specify the
> relationship of the .aspx file and its code-behind file. These attribute
> are:
>       * Codebehind   In Visual Studio, this attribute references the
>         name of a file that contains the class for the page. For
>         example, if you create a Web Forms page in Visual Studio called
>         WebForm1, the Codebehind attribute will point to WebForm1.aspx.
>         vb or WebForm1.aspx.cs. This attribute is used only by the
>         Visual Studio Web Forms Designer. It tells the designer where to
>         find the page class so that the designer can create an instance
>         of it for you to work with. The attribute is not used at run
>         time.
>       * Inherits   Identifies the class from which the page derives. In
>         Visual Studio, this points to a class in the project assembly (.
>         dll), as shown in the diagram above.
> The code-behind model illustrated above is the model used by Visual
> Studio. The ASP.NET Framework supports a slightly different code-behind
> model for Web Forms pages. In the ASP.NET code-behind model, the visual
> elements are in an .aspx file and the code is in a separate code-only
> file, as in Visual Studio. However, there is no project, and the code is
> not pre-compiled. Instead, the code in the .vb or .cs file is compiled
> at run time, when the page is first requested by a user.
> The inheritance model works as illustrated above, with the difference
> that the Web Forms class (WebForm1 class in the diagram) is not part of
> a project assembly. Instead, each page is a separate assembly. There is
> no difference in how your code runs in the two models.
> In the ASP.NET code-behind model, there is no Codebehind page attribute,
> since that attribute is unique to Visual Studio. To tie the .aspx file
> to its corresponding code, the page directive contains a Src attribute,
> which references the file containing the source code for the file."
> =============================================================
> Now, I have an aspx and and ascx in this thing I am developing for mono/
> linux/mod_mono. The aspx ignores the "Inherits" attribute, which the
> above says it should, yet if I change the class or namespace name in
> the .cs file, compile the DLL and deploy it, I get the expected "class
> not found" exception on page compilation...but it pretends not to notice
> that the DLL contains the code for that class, and simply acts dumb when
> challenged with the facts. Of course, if I use the Src attribute, voila!
> works fine.
> However, the UserControl uses the Inherits attribute and finds and uses
> the referenced class in the compiled DLL. 
> Which is it, in Mono? Can I precompile DLLs and deploy them to the bin/
> directory of the webapp (which is infinitely preferable to me), or do I
> have to put all of my .cs files on the server as well? (which I
> specifically do not want to do...if I have to do that I'll stick with
> PHP). 
> Thanks
> Greg
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