On dc, 2004-04-21 at 00:55, Chris Turchin wrote:
> Hello,
> last week I sat down and got cairo, libgdiplus and libpixman running
> from cvs in the hopes that it would make my simple system.drawing test
> work. this seems to have not been enough. i just wanted to resize a jpeg
> and am getting the following error:

System.Drawing is currently under heavy development. The imaging area
has been redone in the past couple of days and is still a work in
progress. Also, the resizing images is not yet implemented. As a matter
of fact, that many advanced imaging functions are still not there. We
are working on it. Give us a few weeks more.

If you install Mono and libgdiplus from CVS you should be able at least
to load and save graphics. 



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