On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 17:24, KiOrKY wrote:
> OK, so im happy to listen that i have done fine for a long moment.
> however when i compile nant with last nightly build (of mono and nant)  i got 
> compilation errorsbut when i do make install in mcs095(release) directory after 
> installation of the nighly build , all is going fine ! so its why i was thinking 
> that classic make wxas not suffisant. What is the "fullbuild" rule ? because when i 
> use it i get an corlib error (got 21 need 22)
> why ?
> regards
Sorry, are you asking about mono or nant?

I think fullbuild is obsoleted now (replaced by bootstrap), but in any
case it was (and bootstrap is) only ever useful for people who are using
mono from cvs, not from snapshots or releases.

> Iain McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> > On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 16:51, KiOrKY wrote:
> > &gt; can someone gives me stes to compile nightly builds bnecause im thinking
> > that i do it wrong !!!!
> > &gt; 
> > &gt; i cant access cvs because enterprise 's firewall... so i can just download
> > packages in &quot;dayly&quot; part of the web site
> > &gt; 
> > &gt; i want to refresh all the apps (mono but mcs too !)
> > &gt; regards
> > 
> > Download a mono snapshot from the website, http://www.go-mono.com/daily
> > . You do *not* want a monocharge or a monolite; you want the mono
> > package. At the moment, that's mono-0.96.20040614.tar.gz
> > 
> > Use either tar with the zxvf switches or an application like file-roller
> > to extract the tarball
> > 
> > open a terminal; cd into the directory you extracted the tarball to
> > 
> > run ./configure, or ./autogen.sh if there's no configure. Make sure all
> > the dependencies you need are satisfied.
> > 
> > run make
> > 
> > run make install
> > 
> > You should now have a mono install in /usr/local. You may need to set
> > environment variables so it takes precedence over one installed from a
> > package; the relevant variables are PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, IIRC.
> > -- 
> > Iain McCoy &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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