Hi.  I’m trying to port an app built with Visual Studio.  It’s a Windows service app, but we can modify that or refactor it if necessary.  My problem is that I’ve successfully built the app, but it doesn’t run and I can’t seem to get any sort of dev env or debugger running.  I’ve tried to run through all the various attempts at getting mono.develop to work, and other than 3 days worth of builds, I have not much to show for it.  And it also seems that even those who have gotten mono.develop to work have it crashing all the time.  So I guess my questions are:


1)       Is there a working debugger for mono on the Mac?  How do I get it?  Fink?  Martin’s 0.9 release with some magic incantation? (it complains about a missing mach-o.c now)

2)       If you were going to make small edits to a VS based project, what would you do?  Emacs & nant?  XCode?

3)       Less important: I must have a whole mess of junk now from all my fink installs, builds, etc.  I haven’t a clue where all this stuff is littered over the drive.  Other than fink remove and deleting my build dirs, how could I “start over” with mono related stuff?


Thanks, sorry if this is too newbie, but if I can’t find it on google I’ll venture that at least I’m not a total idiot. J


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