On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 09:55 +0100, PFJ wrote:
> Take OpenOffice,
> there are well over 200 people actively working on it, yet only about 15
> work for Sun!

It might be a little bit off topic, and I'm not active enough (well,
actually not active at all) in the OO.org community, but it seems that
the major contributors to the dev and xml-dev mailing lists are, apart
from _very few_ of them, all employed by Sun.

Several times, external contributors complained about how difficult it
is to enter the development community, and to start writing code,
because Sun employees are among the only ones that master the
architecture and code of OO.org.

I may be wrong. The figures you mention (only 15 Sun employees working
on it) really surprise me. I thought that it was the contrary when I was
subscribed to the mailing lists.

Julien Gilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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