
> I think there should be no room left for guessing. it is clear that one must
> uninstall previous installation. cleaning up in build environment was always
> a must if you want to get a clean build.

I agree. What would be useful would be a digest (as I get from the
rawhide autobuilder on the Fedora test list) with a change log and any
new files. That way the "missing file" problem for cvs users would

For this problem (corlib out of date), I think the instructions need to
be made clearer. Perhaps I'll add it to the mono-compiling page of mine.
From rom what I can see, the problem is three fold

1. If you have the rpms installed
2. If you are installing to /usr/local
3. If you have something in /usr/local, haven't deinstalled and install
into /usr

1. is simple enough. Combine it with 2, it becomes a pain. 3 is a case
of getting a list of binaries and libs (etc) created and manually
removing them. The corlib problem comes (from my experience) when
combining 1 and 2. mcs gets confused and screams!

> by actually works I wanted to know if what I suggested worked for Jochen.

It will be interesting to see.


"Trust me, I know what I'm doing" - Det. Sledgehammer

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