I have trouble displaying french characters in mono 1.1.6 / mod_mono_server (XSP) 1.0.8 / Apache 2.0.53 / mod_mono 1.0.8. Whenever I put a character such as "é" (html encoding is é if you can't see it), instead it gets rendered as "??". This is the same for all special chacracters (à, è, ç, etc.) I've tried many things: setting globalization in my web.config to UTF-8 for requestEncoding, fileEncoding, responseEncoding, setting the culture and uiCulture attributes of the globalization to fr-FR, fr-CA, using the same settings in machine.config instead of web.config, in both files, encoding my files as UTF-8 with and without signature from the visual studio .NET's advanced save options, and about all combinations of the above settings. I've also tried to add a "AddDefaultCharset" directive to my apache's httpd.conf file and set it to UTF-8, nothing does it, I still get "??". The only progress I made was to have nothing rendered in place of my special characters instead of the "??" :)
Thanks for any suggestions.

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