After a little bit of debugging, 
I have discovered that when there are QueryString parameters, passed
such as /images/pic1.jpg?thumb=1 the ProcessRequest method of the
Handler doesn't get called. 

I added a line to the ProcessRequest medhod to write a log to a text
file for each iteration of the method. I also added log statements to
various places in the code. 

After browsing a couple of pages, I realize that every entry in the log
is an entry for which there is no querystring.

Below is the code I put in the handler :

>       public class ImageHandler:IHttpHandler
>       {
>               HttpResponse Response;
>               HttpRequest Request;
>               HttpServerUtility Server;
>               #region IHttpHandler Members
>               public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
>               {
>                       //Set global context objects
>                       Server = context.Server;
>                       Response = context.Response;
>                       Request = context.Request;
>                       //Do the image stuff
> ///DEBUG
>                       Log("Beginning image output [QS=" + 
> Request.QueryString.Count.ToString() + "] = " + Request.RawUrl);
> ///DEBUG
>                       RequestImage();
>               }
>               public bool IsReusable
>               {
>                       get{ return true; 
>               }
> [... rest of the handler code ...]

And the Logger.

> //debugging logger
>     public static void Log (String logMessage)
>     {
>       StreamWriter w = 
> File.AppendText("/home/gary/www/mysite/www/images/hih_cache/hih_log.txt");
>         w.Write("\r\nLog Entry : ");
>         w.WriteLine("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(),
>             DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
>         w.WriteLine("  :{0}", logMessage);
>         w.WriteLine ("-------------------------------");
>         // Update the underlying file.
>         w.Flush();
>         w.Close(); 
>     }

Records in the log file were like :

> Log Entry : 10:02:52 AM Monday, June 20, 2005
>   :Beginning image output [QS=0] = /images/banner_c1.jpg
> -------------------------------

Anyone else having this kinda fun?

Marc DM


On Mon, 2005-06-20 at 08:58 +0100, Martin Hinks wrote:
> What part of the app is failing?
> Is the handler for .jpg types being called but the querystring is blank?
> Have you traced through the application? If you can find exactly what
> is failing we can file BugZilla reports.
> If the handler is working post some source and I'll take a look later.
> To find out what's going on add "response.writeline" statements at
> various points in your code - or try Mono Debugger - although I dont
> know how advanced it is...
> Martin
> On 6/20/05, Marc DM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (*falling asleep as I type this*)
> > 
> > I have a HttpHandler that works on .NET but not on Mono. I need some
> > help to sort it out.
> > 
> > It is a HttpHandler to allow me to use a url like :
> > 
> >    http://mysite/images/Beach12/DCS001.JPG?w=200
> >    to give me the image at the specified url, but proportionately
> > resized to 200px wide.
> > 
> >    http://mysite/images/Beach12/DCS001.JPG?thumb=1
> >    to give me the image at the specified url, resized to a pre-defined
> > thumbnail size
> > 
> > etc...
> > 
> > I have the HttpHandler, written in c#, it compiles on mono (had to
> > change Response.TransmitFile to Response.WriteFile); no errors.
> > 
> > It compiles on Windows. No Problem.
> > 
> > using Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 when I access
> > http://mysite/images/Beach12/DCS001.JPG?thumb=1 from my browser, a
> > thumbnailed version of the photo is created in the cache directory (if
> > it doesn't already exist, within the site), and then returned to the
> > browser. It works.
> > 
> > on Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_mono/1.0.9
> > Everything else in the application works beautifully.  But a call to
> > http://mysite/images/Beach12/DCS001.JPG?thumb=1 returns the full size
> > image and the QueryString is seemingly ignored.
> > 
> > My Apache config, mono webapp file,web.config are attached below.
> > 
> > Can someone clue me in? How can I tell what's happening here.
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Marc DM
> > -----------------APACHE CONFIG---------------------
> > ---------------------/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite----------
> > NameVirtualHost *:80
> > <VirtualHost *:80>
> >        ServerName mysite
> >        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >        DocumentRoot /home/gary/www/mysite/www/
> >        AddHandler mono .aspx .ascx .jpg
> > 
> >        DirectoryIndex default.aspx index.aspx default.html index.html
> > 
> >        <Directory /home/gary/www/mysite/www/>
> >                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> >                Order allow,deny
> >                allow from all
> >        </Directory>
> > </VirtualHost>
> > 
> > ---------------------/etc/apache2/ mods-available/mono.conf----------
> >  MonoUnixSocket /tmp/mod_mono_server
> >  MonoRunXSP true
> >  MonoApplicationsConfigDir /etc/apache2/mod-mono-applications
> >  MonoDebug true
> > 
> > -----------------web.config---------------------
> >  <system.web>
> >    ...
> >    ...
> >    <httpHandlers>
> >      <add verb="*" path="*.jpg"
> > type="Mynamespace.HttpHandlers.ImageHandler,HolmokImageHandler />
> > </httpHandlers>
> > 
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Mono-list maillist  -
> >
> > 

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