I'm working with an example of navigator,
in c#, it runs fine but i've got only one problem....
I have a page made in html that have a _javascript_ code and one flash
movie, this is the code:
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" >
<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"
width="500" height="250"
name="peliculaFlash" swLiveConnect="true" align="middle"
allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
<form name="form1" >
<input type="text" name="sendText" maxlength="45" >
<form name="form2">
<input type="text" name="sendText" maxlength="45"
function Cargar(args){
variable = document.forms[0];
for( i in document.embeds){
if( document.embeds[i].name=="peliculaFlash" ){
variable = document.forms [0];
document.embeds[i].SetVariable("entrada" , args.value);
The flash movie have a text box with the name "entrada" only,
...Mozilla FireFox (1.5) and IE (6.0) runs the example but in the c#
navigator it does'nt load the data in the flash movie
Could you please help me to solve this?
Jorge González
jorge.unal (at) gmail.com
Bogotá - Colombia - Sur América
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