On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 20:29 +0100, Mikkel Bøttger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm Having a problem installing MonoDevelop 0.9.
> First It said, that the shared library gtk-gekko-sharp was not installed.
> Found a new version and added the path to ld.so.conf and ran ldconfig. Okay,
> problem solved. It then complained about the two shared components in the
> gac Unix and Unix.Native are missing.I then did a search and leafed through
> the source code for the mono .NET framework, which was distributed with Suse
> 10.0 and found Nothing ! Not even the mono framework I downloaded from
> Mono's project site... I did found the shared component Unix is supposed to
> be replace in the gac (Posix). 
> I even had a look at configuration help (./configure --help) to see if I had
> to throw a few switches ! but no luck.
> Does anyone have the shared components? What is the story about Unix ?
> Quite odd !! 

Mono.Unix and Mono.Unix.Native are namespaces within the assembly
Mono.Posix.dll.  There is no required relationship between assembly
names and namespace names; any number of namespaces can be within the
same assembly.

As for your problems building MonoDevelop, it would help if you could
provide the error messages you're seeing.  Mono.Posix.dll has been
provided with Mono for a long time...

 - Jon

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