I'm trying to create a component that should be used in a
webapplication. It involves parsing of PKCS#12/PKCS#7 and creating
signed/encrypted PKCS#7.
It works fine, except the performance is really, really bad.

Some places in the code I have lines like this:
  RSA signKey = RSA.Create();
  signKey.FromXmlString( ..... );
I know the same is true for a lot of the Mono code.

I never generate any keys, as they are all loaded from files/strings.
However, RSA.Create() always generates a keypair which has a huge impact
on performance.

Is there no way to just create an empty RSA object ready for loading a
key into?


www.kmd.dk   www.kundenet.kmd.dk   www.eboks.dk   www.civitas.dk   
www.netborger.dk www.organisator.dk

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