I'm sure you know MS Singularity 

Singularity is something like a kernel (similar to Mach) + a virtual machine
(similar to Mono/.NET VM) + a language (similar to C# but with special
contract-programming and multithreading features). (Yes, it is much more than
this but... ignore that, for the moment).

I wonder if anybody has even thought to re-create something like Singularity
starting from Mono (or GNU.NET). I mean, something like this:
1) a kernel (Linux, Mach, a "managed code" kernel written in C#, whatever...)
2) the Mono virtual machine (maybe with support for "channels" and other stuff)
3) C# or, much better, a contract-programming enabled version of C# (something
like Sing#)
4) Something like a "message passing" system to support concurrent/distributed
programming (something like the "channels" used by Singularity)
5) a (minimalistic) set of device driver written in C#.

Do anybody thought about this possibility?

>From the point of view of Mono, what do you think of Singularity?
Alessandro Bottoni
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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