Hi Andrew,

2007/10/30, Andrew Conkling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 10/29/07, Martin Trejo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If not the definitive guide, at least is not MS/VS oriented
> > http://www.librarything.com/work/454187/book/16053479
> >
> > It's a bit old and there are quite a bunch of new stuff but is mainly
> > oriented to Linux/Mono environments.
> That's good news. Is it outdated? I'm not even sure what to ask about in
> terms of it being old, but as long as I can understand C# enough to start
> looking at the documentation for GTK# and to start hacking on some source
> code, I'll be happy.
> The one you mentioned by Jesse Liberty it's quite good too. There is one
> > from APress by Gunnerson I can't recall right now.
> Duly noted... Liberty's seems to be rather well-liked. Is there anything
> lacking in it?

As a beginner in C# there is nothing missing but advanced themes are touched
quite lightly (for my like),

For advanced themes on C# I highly recommend reading mcs' source code :P.
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