Try X-Develop -

X-develop supports .NET, Mono and the Java platform on Windows, Linux and
Mac OS X and comes with support for C#, Java, JSP, J#, Visual Basic .NET,
JavaScript, XML and HTML. X-develop's multi-language code-analysis engine
offers an open API to support arbitrary programming languages.

*GUI designer*
Support for WindowsForms 1.0 & 2.0, GTK#, Swing and AWT
Creates resizable, resolution and font size independent GUIs

Support for .NET development on Unix/Linux with Mono

2008/10/28 Jerry Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Please be assured that I'm not poking fun at mono, or Linux.  I use
> Windows because I have to, and I use Linux because I want to.
> I'm a full-time .NET developer at work, and I really want mono to be to
> Linux what .NET is to Windows.  However, I'm finding it really slow
> getting started with mono, because I haven't yet found anything I can
> use to create winform applications visually.  Does such a thing exist
> for mono?
> I can build an application using Visual Studio, and then port it to mono
> without a lot of trouble, but every time I've tried to *start* an
> application using mono, I end up frustrated and quit.  I just downloaded
> the latest version, thinking that I'd be pleasantly surprised this time,
> but monodevelop still seems like little more than a fairly smart code
> editor.
> Surely, there must be a mono equivalent to Visual Studio somewhere, but
> I haven't found it yet.  Something with a visual designer, and
> Intellisense-type help, and so on.  Can someone point me in the right
> direction?
> For a change, I'd like to be able to create something on my Linux
> machines, then port it to Windows, instead of the other way around.
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-list maillist  -
Mono-list maillist  -

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