On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 05:20 -0700, Marco Trapanese wrote:
> Danny-113 wrote:
> > You English seems pretty OK to me.  To your question (which others may 
> > be able to answer with greater detail): I've been successfully writing 
> > code on Windows and running it on Linux (Ubuntu+Mono) for over a year 
> > now.  It seems that the Mono guys have done a pretty good job at making 
> > a runtime that is compatible with any CLR assembly - at least those 
> > produced with current C# and VB compilers
> Thank you both for your kind answers.
> I still have a doubt:
> In my application I often use serial ports or read/write access to files:
> how the code could successfully run either on Windows or Linux? They are
> quite different: for example Windows calls the serial ports "COM" but in
> Linux I have to look under /dev... So I can't understand how the same code
> could run on both systems.

I think System.IO.Ports is available in Mono
<http://www.mono-project.com/HowToSystemIOPorts>  (I have no idea how
current or out-of-date that page is).   There doesn't seem to be many
open bugs
but googling about makes it seem iffy.

Port makes are arbitrary, don't hard-code them and that shouldn't be a

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