On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 13:04 -0700, slessard wrote:
> Mono 2.4 is compatible with which version of .NET?  Is it .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0
> or .NET 3.5?


Mono supports most of .NET 1.1 and 2.0, but some things are missing (and
likely always will be, such as System.EnterpriseServices, the COM+
wrapper).  ~Everything of consequence is supported (generics, types in
mscorlib.dll/System.dll/etc., etc.).

.NET 3.0 is mostly unimplemented, but portions are being worked on such
as Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), WindowsBase.dll, etc.  Don't
expect any WPF or WF support anytime soon (if ever).

.NET 3.5 is mostly implemented, permitting full use of LINQ, Linq to
XML, Linq to SQL, C# 3.0, and all the coolness that implies.

 - Jon

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