This is awesome, I just installed this on my Mac and looks very good.
No glaring bugs or anything.  I have a few questions about the
Immediate window.  It seems to be read-only.  First off, I cannot
declare a new variable:

> string s = "Hello";
EOF expected

Second, if I change an existing variable in the local scope, it
apparently ignores me:

> y
> y++;

> y

Third, I cannot call methods on local variables:

> y.ToString()
Evaluation failed.

(Note there's also no Autocomplete within the Immediate window which
would be a nice to have as well)..

When I'm debugging, I use the Immediate window quite a bit to "mock up
code" before I change my program, and some polishing up on the
MonoDevelop immediate window would go a long way.  The more this could
be like Visual Studio, the better.  (I'm sure you guys hear that one a
lot).  Any chance of fixing some of these issues before the final
bits?  Thanks!!


On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Lluis Sanchez Gual
<> wrote:
> The MonoDevelop team is proud to announce the release of MonoDevelop 2.4
> Beta 1 (2.3). This is the first release of a series of releases that
> will lead to MonoDevelop 2.4, hopefully around the end of May.
> MonoDevelop is a GNOME IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET
> languages. MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and
> ASP.NET Web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. MonoDevelop
> makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with
> Visual Studio to Linux and to maintain a single code base for all
> platforms.
> This release contains lots of new features and improvements. Here is a
> summary of the new features:
>      * Workbench Usability
>              * Improved look
>              * Improved pad organization
>              * Improved Error Workflow with In-line Error Bubbles
>              * New Project/File dialogs
>              * New Navigate To dialog
>              * Solution and Class pad Zooming
>              * New Options for selecting the user interface language,
>                output pad font and GTK+ theme.
>      * Project Model
>              * Standalone Assembly Projects
>              * External Console Support for Mac and Windows
>              * Support for adding files to solution folders
>              * Proper MSBuild file links in projects
>      * Source Editing
>              * Improved in-line search
>              * Group Mode in Code Completion
>              * Symbol Usage Highlighting
>              * Editing Support in Block Selection Mode
>              * Import Type Command
>              * Code Focus Toggle and Follow-cursor
>              * Quick Fix Command
>              * Scrollable Region Tooltips
>              * Improved Filtering in Completion List
>      * Debugger
>              * Pinned Quick Watches
>              * Debug Value Visualizers
>              * Improved expression evaluation
>              * New Exception Dialog
>      * Tools
>              * New Hex Editor
>              * Integrated T4 Templating
>              * More Code Metrics
>      * ASP.NET
>              * Code completion for C# regions
>      * Web References
>              * Support for WCF Web References
>              * Support for references that require authentication
>      * Improvements in other add-ins:
>              * NUnit
>              * MonoTouch
>              * Mac OS support
>              * Vala
> A more complete description of what's new in MonoDevelop 2.4 is
> available here:
> Release notes:
> Sources and packages are available here:
> Enjoy!
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