On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) 
<edward.harvey.m...@clevertrove.com> wrote:
> All the guides out there that I can find tell people to use "makecert," which 
> isn't an option.  Or use openssl.

Why aren't those options? It shouldn't matter how you create the cert, as long 
as you have one...

...except that the normal System.Net stack wants a "valid" certificate chain 
lest it start throwing exceptions, and it'll start throwing exceptions with 
your self-signed cert.

The workaround for this is to set the 
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback property [0, 
1] to a delegate which will check that the certificate you're getting from the 
server matches what your app expects. If it does, it can return `true` and the 
certificate will be used anyway, allowing you to use a self-signed cert. If the 
delegate returns `false`, the connection will be refused, as normal.

 - Jon


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