On 25.02.2014 11:20, jonat...@mugginsoft.com wrote:
I box my numeric primitives using a macro:

#define DB_BOX_INT64( x ) ( mono_value_box(mono_domain_get(), 
mono_get_int64_class(), &x) )

And use it like so:


- (void)box
MonoObject *monoObject = DB_BOX_INT64(value);

I save the MonoObject * into a local variable. The collector will see the 
object on the stack and collect it only when the enclosing function completes.

- (void)box:(long long)value
        self.monoObject = DB_BOX_INT64(value);
        self.gcHandle = mono_gchandle_new(self.monoObject, FALSE);

- (void)dealloc

I save the MonoObject * into an instance variable. The collector will free the 
MonoObject after the call to mono_gchandle_free().

Is the above correct?

Not quite. Look at this line:

self.monoObject = DB_BOX_INT64(value);

There is a chance that the MonoObject* remains only reachable
from self.monoObject. This means that it might be GCed before
a handle could be taken from it.

Something along these lines should be safe:

MonoObject *obj = DB_BOX_INT64(value);
self.gcHandle = mono_gchandle_new(obj, FALSE);
self.monoObject = obj;

For the paranoid:

self.gcHandle = mono_gchandle_new(DB_BOX_INT64(value), FALSE);
self.monoObject = mono_gchandle_get_target(self.gcHandle);



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